How To Create Event Blogs Full Blogging Information

How To Create Event Blogs Full Blogging Information 

How To Create Event Blogs Full Blogging Information

How To Create Event Blogs Full Blogging Information 

How To Create Event Blog :- Event Blog is created to target one of the events. So that when the Event Start, you can earn Earn from that Blog. To create an Event Blog, you have to work 3-4 Months before the event starts on that blog so that your blog is ready at the time of the event and You can do good earnings from your blog.

When a big event / festival starts, all people find related things related to that event like Images, Quotes, Motivational Thought, GIF, Videos etc and you can easily upload all these things into a blog. Therefore, Blog is the Best Option to Earn Online on any Event.

Hello Friends In today's article, I am going to tell you about Event Blogging so that you can create an Event Blog by targeting any event and also be able to earn your online earnings from that blog.

What is the Event Blog?

Event Blog is a blog that is created to target an Event or Festival because when there is a big festival or event, people search on the Internet important, funny, creative or informational things related to that event. So that Searches on that Particular Event is greatly increased at that time.

Many bloggers on the internet create blogs by targeting almost all events, so that their Online Earning is greatly increased. So if you also create a blog by targeting a festival, chances of it are very high that you can earn good online earnings from an event.

What is the best platform to create Event Blog 

When we create an Event Blog, the chances of heavy traffic is very high so you have to see that you create a blog that can handle more traffic on your Blog because if your blog get crashed because of heavy traffic then all your hard work can be useless.

To Create a Responsive Blog, you have two of the most Best Platforms on which you can create your Event Blog-

Blogger Platform for Event Blog

Blogger is the best place to create Event Blog, because you do not need to buy Hosting for your blog when you create a Blog on Blogger. You can create a Responsive Blog by simply purchasing a Custom Domain. You can create your blog at a very low cost.

Blogger is a very secure platform.

  1. You do not need to buy Hosting for Blogger to Blog.
  2. By downloading Free Responsive Templates, you can make your blog responsive.
  3. All of Blogger's data are stored on Google, so this does not make any difference to your blog's loading speed.
  4. Blogger is the Best Way to Handle Traffic, because the blog created on Blogger is highly qualified to handle Traffic.

WordPress Platform for Event Blogging

Wordpress is the best from SEO's Point of View, because of this today most Event Bloggers create their own Event Blog on WordPress. To build a blog on WordPress, you need to buy Hosting, because of this, making Blog on WordPress becomes a little costly.

Along with this, you need to buy a better hosting because if you create a  Blog by Cheap Hosting plan, then your blog can not handle more traffic.

  1. WordPress is the best for SEO
  2. When you want to create a blog on WordPress, you have to spend a little more money.
  3. You also need to buy a Theme for WordPress Blog.

Successful Event Blog

To create a Successful Event Blog, you have to focus on some Basic Points so that you can create a Responsive and Successful Blog -

Effective Branding

To make any blog popular, branding of your blog is very important because when you bring a blog as a brand, people believe in your blog and also visit your blog.

To branding a blog, you have to pay attention to some things-

Custom Logo & Favicon

Logo is very important for any brand because your blog is identified by the logo itself, so you must create a custom logo for your blog. All companies create a logo for their brand, so just create a logo for your blog.

Social Media Accounts & Pages

Create Social Media Accounts & Pages so that you can promote your blog on social media sites.

Responsive Design

To make the blog Responsive is very important because almost all people search from their Android phones so if your blog's design is not responsive then it will not open well on Mobile or Tablet as well as your Readers will not be able to use the navigation system you have installed.

Understand Your Customers

When you create a blog, definitely will create a Google Analytics account for that blog so you can find out which of your articles are getting more views, by making more content on those topics, you can increase your online earnings. .

Defining Goal

It is very important to have a Goal for Event Blog because unless you decide a Goal for your blog, you will not be able to make your Blog Successful Blog.

When you create a blog, then your blog should have articles of only one category, because if you publish articles of different categories, both your Audience / Readers are confusing that what they read on your blog. Most people leave your blog because of this.

Popular Mistakes to Avoid in Web Design for Event Blog

Whenever people create an Event Blog, they make some Common Mistakes on that blog, due to which their blog is not known to be a Successful Blog. We are telling you about some very important Points, so that when you create an Event Blog, do not do these mistakes at all-

Forced Keyword Optimization

Forced Keyword Optimization is called when we place keywords on many places to increase Keyword Density on our blog, which changes our meaning of Article and people do not understand our article well. .

Therefore, you should do keyword placements properly and do not place keywords on such places where your sentence meaning change.

 Too Much Content in One Page

When we create an Event Blog, many times, by looking at our Competitors, we prolong our content, due to which our readers have a problem deciding what to download or what to copy.

So, you do not upload too much content in your Event Blog at a single post. To avoid this, you can use the Page Bread feature so that readers can read the following pages by clicking on Read More.

Too Many Call to Action

Within any article when you add more Call to Action features, your Blog does not remain user Friendly because all your pages are badly messed up by one another, due to which Reader visits One Page to Second Page and then comes back to the same page because of which he assume that your blog has no content and has just linked some of your pages to each other.

Therefore, select Limited and Necessary Pages for Call to Action.

Good Element for Event Blog

An Event Blog should have some essential elements that can make your blog unique and informative-

 Clear Description

Blog Description is very important to any blog because people only know through the description that visiting our blog can give them the kind of knowledge or information they can get.

When we search about any topic on the Internet, the results that come before us, we first read the available description in those results, so that we know whether the article will be useful to us or not.

Clear Navigation

With help from the Clear Navigation System, our readers can easily find Available Different Topics at our Blog. When we create a blog, then we have some features that we can use to navigate the navigation system very well on our blog like-

Menu Bar-  Menu Bar is added to the Head of Blog / Website where we can Show our Articles by Category Wise. This is the most important to your blog so that readers can easily find things.

Side Bar -   Sidebar depend on Themes because Sidebar is not available in so many Themes, so if your Sidebar is available in Template, then you must add some Important Widgets / Plugins to your Blog.

For Example: Social Media Icon, Category, Popular Post, Recent Post, etc., so your readers can easily use your blog.

Footer Menu - Footer Menu also depends on theme because Footer Menu is not available in many Themes. So if the option of the Footer Menu is available on your template then you must add your important pages such as About us, Contact Us and Privacy Policy pages in the footer and if the Footer Menu is not available on your Template, then you can add these pages in Top Header or Sidebar.

In Conclusion

Event Blogging Online is a very good option for Earning so that you can Increase Your Online Earning. We hope that after reading this article you can easily understand how to create a Responsive Event Blog and what things should be done in your blog, then you should create a blog and Make your online earning from that blog.

Must Read:

How To Create Free Website Or Blog
Learn how to earn money from Facebook page
How to earn money from Instagram 
